Laceration Repair

Dr. Lieberman is very experienced in repairing any facial laceration regardless of how extensive or how it was caused (e.g. dog bite, sports injury, fall, car accident, etc.). He prides himself on closing the wound meticulously so as to end up with a scar that is as fine and delicate as possible.

In most instances, the trauma can be repaired in our office surgery room.

Laceration from a Chain Saw

10 days After Laceration Repair

Laceration from a Dog Bite

4 Months After Laceration Repair

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Our Location

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:45am – 4:00pm
7:45am – 1:30pm

Office Address
1600 36th St
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Tel: 772.569.7800
Fax: 772.569.9252

Call Us: 772.569.7800